Hi guys! I'm learning to use the Roland Groovebox MC909 and I'm a little confused about the use of Preset Patches VS Preset Rhythms. I get Patches are for melodic programing and Rhythm are for percussion.
I have created a bunch of User Patches from my samples for Rhythm use (drum samples) but I cannot find the way to access to them when Step Recording as Rhythm. Only as Patches.
Is it possible that the MC909 only allows using the user samples for melodic use?
909 Preset Patch VS Preset Rhythm?
Re: 909 Preset Patch VS Preset Rhythm?
No, you can use samples for Rhythm Patches just as you can for normal patches. Assign a part as a Rhythm Patch and press the Wave Select button. This will bring you to where you assign waveforms to each pad and just go to the user or card tab (assuming you've saved some samples there)