Control rotary from pedal for specific patches
Control rotary from pedal for specific patches
I have discovered from other posts that I can change the pedal behavior to emulate the Modulation Lever function. But I can only get that to work at the global system level. I would like to have pedal vary the rotary speed for an organ patch, but still serve as sustain pedal for other patches. Is that possible, and if so could someone provide details? One of the previous post responses seemed to be addressing that, but the instructions didn't seem to match what I see when I try it. Thanks for any help!
Re: Control rotary from pedal for specific patches
You can realize this per patch using the matrix control. This is a similar case:
Does the problem occur using several patches in a performance ore after switching between patches?
Does the problem occur using several patches in a performance ore after switching between patches?
Re: Control rotary from pedal for specific patches
Thanks. This got me on the right path. I hadn't used the Editor before, so I got it installed and starting working on this task. I was able to get the sustain pedal to change the rotary speed as I want. In Matrix Control, I set SOURCE 1 to CC64:HOLD-1, and set DESTINATION 1 for SOURCE 1 to MFX-CTRL1, which is Rotary for this patch. I have to hold the pedal down to keep the fast rotary speed, then release to go back to slow. That is fine, as when toggling with the Mod Lever it can sometimes be hard to hear which speed it is on, and this way I will always know!
But, now I would like to DISABLE the sustain function for that patch, which still happens. Seldom would want to sustain all organ notes with Rotary on high speed! I tried setting DESTINATION 2,3,4 to OFF for SOURCE 1, but that has no effect. Any ideas on how to disable the sustain function?
But, now I would like to DISABLE the sustain function for that patch, which still happens. Seldom would want to sustain all organ notes with Rotary on high speed! I tried setting DESTINATION 2,3,4 to OFF for SOURCE 1, but that has no effect. Any ideas on how to disable the sustain function?
Re: Control rotary from pedal for specific patches
There is a lit button named "RCV HOLD-1" under "Control SW" Uncheck the button for all(!) tones to turn of the sustain funcion. I can not test this right now.
Re: Control rotary from pedal for specific patches
Perfect! That gives me just what I need. Thanks!